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Think Big, Start Small

Updated: Jul 4, 2022

My brother and I have this ongoing bet:

Who's gonna make a million dollars first?

That's my real time example of me thinking big, while starting small.

So let's talk about how you can also plan your goals, so that you have a big goal or big project that you're working on that you can work backwards from with smaller steps.

Let's use my example again, my goal is to make a million dollars and so the question becomes: how? What can I do to reach this goal?

What I've been doing for the past few years has been building my company, Highly and Humbly NYC. The business has been incorporated. I've been blogging since 2016 which is about five years so I've been slowly but surely working on this goal bit by bit.

But again, the goal is a million dollars, how how do I get to a million?

What I've been doing every year is breaking down this big goal into smaller steps, by increasing my revenue streams. For example, every week I send out a newsletter to the subscribers to the Highly and Humbly website. The newsletter contains blogs that I write myself. To date, there are 117 blogs on the website and at least a hundred of those I've written myself.

Highly and Humbly NYC has an e-store where there is branded merchandise that is centered around the Highly and Humbly mission: Connecting the Christ You Love to the Life You Live. Additionally, I offer life coaching services where I help people to build their lives the way they only dreamed they would live. I sit down with my clients and help them see that going from "Point A" to "Point B", is a matter of planning and execution. Knowing what "Point B" is, starting with thinking big, defining what is that big goal and then working our way backwards from


Also, Highly and Humbly has a membership service on the website

where we're able to do a lot more interactive things, like hosting virtual events (and eventually in person events), such as game nights and Bible Studies.

Finally, I'm also a content creator which means that Highly and Humbly has a podcast and a youtube page. On the podcast I like to have honest conversations with real christians about what faith looks like in real life. On the youtube channel I just follow myself around and walk through what my faith looks like in real time. I've done a reaction video to bridgeton from my perspective of growing up in a Christian environment and how similar that experience was to the time period that show takes place in. More recently I talked about being single and a Christian living in New York


Every one of these things contributes to my bigger goal of making

a million dollars, I also want to be able to touch a million souls and because these are my goals, this is how I've been building towards my goals. Identifying what my big goal is and then planning out the steps underneath them gives me the "how" of it all.

These steps can be broken further down into financial goals every quarter and every year. I have a one year plan, three year plan, and a five year plan.

All of this thinking and planning to my big goal.

This is how you think big but you start small, by planning out all these small steps that are going to lead up to your ultimate financial success.

Let me know in the comments below, if this helps you! You can also watch an explanation of Think Big, Start Small here:


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