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Tears In A Bottle


Psalms 56:8 NLT

You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.

Psalms 37:23 NLT

The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.

As believers, I am not sure that we have truly grasped how much God loves us. I’m sure we are aware of God’s love to the extent that He sent His Son Jesus for our sins. But do we really understand “the why.” I wonder if we know how deeply God yearns for a close relationship with us. As I read the scriptures and meditate on them, God begins to unravel His love to me. It’s quite unbelievable. God really does love His creation more than we can ever fathom.

It’s funny because we don’t think God cares about everything we are concerned about. We think He only cares about the “big things” or more important things like the salvation of the world, which is absolutely true! God does care about the souls and their need for salvation but that doesn’t negate the fact that He cares about the details in your life just as much. God is so attentive to us that He knows the number of hairs on our heads. He knows every intimate detail about you, down to your very fears. He watches closely and hears your heart's cry.

He knows your deepest desires that you have never uttered. He cares about your goals, aspirations, hobbies, passions and interests. He goes with you to your football games, dance practices, school or work. He knows your favorite color and what makes you smile! We are so oblivious to how much He pays attention to us on the daily basis. He didn’t miss any meaningful moment in your life! He knew you before you were even born! I know that’s hard to grasp but it’s true!

God showed me in His Word that He delights with gladness in us and rejoices over us! This means, that He is in love with His creation and is pleased! Which is why when you cry or when your heart breaks He draws nearer. His heart breaks when we are hurting and longs to heal us. He is the Healer. God collects your tears, He takes into account all of your hurt and shame. He gives you double blessings for all your shame and pain! God is so clear in His Word, we must give Him all of our cares! We can tell Him about everything because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7)! He sees you right where you are and you can’t hide from Him.

When know one else sees your pain, He sees. When you are abandoned, He is there! Just be assured that you are not alone and God is walking with you every step of the way, through the good and the bad (Hebrews 13:5). Vengeance is the Lord’s and He fights your battles for you (Romans 12:19)! Go to Jesus in prayer and always be assured that He will be there waiting for you because He never left your side.

I pray that we grow in the knowledge of God and His love everyday because when we do we will never be the same!

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