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Writer: AngeliqueAngelique

One of the most frustrating things about navigating adulthood, has been navigating adulthood. Life can be so overwhelming! Even growing up, there were the warnings about bills and enjoying childhood while I had it. There were lessons wrapped in life experiences that sometimes took months to unravel. There were even a couple of cliffs that I jumped off at full speed that by the grace of God I survived with a few scars and a cautionary tale.

Unfortunately, though I am officially in my late 20s (Oh. Goodness) I feel more like a teen playing adult, than I feel like I have successfully "adulted". I'm unsure of most things, which has resulted in me second guessing everything.

Work has become unfulfilling.

All of my interpersonal relationships are weird, they're growing and changing in ways that I didn't know to anticipate.

My friends have laughed when I've said it but I have dubbed this period as "second puberty" because this whole process has been awkward, necessary and imminent.


My relationship with God has grown stronger and more sincere.


While I'm unsure of most things, I am sure of this:

"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus"

Philippians 3:14

Because even though life can be hard, God is always good.

This has been the nearly four year lesson I've been learning. Submitting your life to Christ, doesn't mean that your life suddenly becomes a perpetual state of sunshine, rainbows, and roses. Life will still have its moments of sorrow, frustration and uncertainty, just as it will offer happiness, love and peace.

What changes is your motivation. With Christ you know that, "all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28), and "that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him" (Hebrews 11:6). What changes is, the more you love God, the surer you are of His character. The more sure you are of His character, the stronger you feel standing on His promises.

Once you understand that God, "will never leave thee, nor forsake thee" (Hebrews 11:5) and that "God is not a man, that he should lie" (Numbers 23:19) you can live your life knowing that in the end you are victorious. You'll start living your life in "and".

Living your life in "and" means recognizing that where you are isn't where you'll end up. Living your life in "and" means that you are fully aware of what is currently happening and still living in anticipation of what is to come. It means that sometimes you are sad and that you know that you won't always be. That sometimes life is unfair, and "he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." (Matthew 5:45). Living your life in "and" is recognizing your salvation as a bonus to your life. You are living this life "and" you get to live with God in eternity.

For me I've had to learn to not just hope for better to happen, but to stand, walk and declare that God has got me! That my feelings don't change who God is and always has been. That when things may look bleak, and I feel discouraged, God is still moving. No matter what, God is working on your behalf and for His glory.

So whatever you're going through right now, God is still in control and you are going to come out on top.



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